1,500 Printable Page All-In-One Planner for 2023

The best way to begin the new year is with a well-organized calendar. I recommend this 1,500 printable pages all-in-one planner is a great one. I know some people like to have several planners. However, I like a planner where I can track everything in one place because it makes life easier for me.

I use the printable page all-in-one planner for 2023, monthly section, and Top Prioritize for the business goals that I know need to get done.

The section This Months Goals is what I use for my household chores, i.e. laundry, shopping, sweeping/mopping, etc. you get the idea.

Bills To Pay is a great way to keep track of your monthly bills, and hopefully, none falls through the cracks. Please, do not rely solely on autopay. Sometimes things happen, and if you don’t check to make sure the payment went through. You could be without something important, like your car insurance. No one wants to be in that situation. A couple of other things you should have on your bills list. One is a savings account, and the other is an Emergency Fund. Why is it important to have an Emergency Fund? In case someone gets hurt or loses their job. You will have backup money to live off of. If anything has taught most of us this, was when COViD-19 hit.

The Appointments & Events section is a great way to keep up with church and community activities for you and your family.

Every day the cost of living goes up. Many people are finding themselves struggling or homeless. We need to remember what we are grateful for and share this with our family, so they understand or they may they have a suggestion you hadn’t thought about.

Also, how many times have you forgotten something important? Now you have one place to look as a reminder.

The Weekly Goal is for things that I would like to get accomplished.

Now, I always like to use the printable page all-in-one planner for 2023, daily page to break down the things that I need to get done by splitting tasks for each project per day.

Chores and other things go under the Task List. It is too easy to get wrapped up in everyday life, forgetting things like having someone’s uniform clean or that baked goods needed for an activity.

A great place to boost oneself is under the Don’t Forget section  Too many times we allow life to get us down. I use this section to remind myself of the following:

  • I am beautiful and confident.
  • I am strong, independent, and self-reliant.
  • I am proud because I am a special person.
  • I can do anything once I have set my mind to it. If I don’t know how to do something, then I will learn. Do not allow a lack of knowledge to hold you back. There is YouTube, TikTok, and free programs on the internet for you to use to expand your knowledge.

I will even use stickers containing uplifting sayings to boost my morale, when feeding your external light, you’ll shine bright for all to see, making you stand out in a crowd.

The printable page all-in-one planner for 2023, the daily page is where I break down my goals even further to ensure that they get done because some of them can have many items to be accomplished for the task to be completed.

NOTE: There are affiliate links, meaning if you purchase something I could get a small commission.

The meal planner is great for deciding what to have each day. This will make it easier to make a grocery list and not spend an overabundance on food for it to go to waste. It will also help you to stick to your monthly budget. Another thing is it will allow you to see how much you Should You Have In Your Emergency Food Storage?

Far too often we enjoy the finer things in life and in turn neglect our bodies. The Stay Hydrated section is perfect to track how much water you have drank during the day.

Again, I use the To-Do list for chores that I need to get done for the day. It is easy to get caught up in the television, a game, or something else, and the floor forgoes being swept. Then you realize it when your significant other says something. Yep, you have been caught.

The printable page all-in-one planner for 2023, contains other sections, such as:

  • Bouns Tacker
    • Journal – A place for you to keep track of your mood when you wake up in the morning. Write down three things, you think, will make your day amazing. Add a quote to live by or maybe one of your favorite scripture to help boost your day. Remember something that you are grateful for, this will help put positivity in your life. In the evening when you get to sit back and relax, reflect on your day. Jot down your accomplishment no matter how small they are, it doesn’t have to be fancy. What were the highlights of your day? Did something or someone make you smile? If so, add it to your list.
    • Mood – It’s wise to track your moods because this will allow you to see if there are any patterns. If so? Then you can figure out what is affecting your mood. Could it be something as simple as a lack of sleep? Or could it possibly be something more complicated like someone you have to interact with? This could help you when scheduling your day.
    • Health – This is a hard one and it shouldn’t be. When I was younger, I did whatever was necessary to take care of myself with plenty of exercises. After having kids, my schedule was so crazy it was the last thing on my list. However, now that I am getting older and my kids are grown, it is now back on my things-to-do list. Let me tell you it is hard to get back into, so if you can keep it up, I highly recommend you do so.
    • Habit – One habit, I like to track is being kind to others, whether inside my home or outside. It lifts people when they receive an act of kindness and it blesses you, knowing you made someone else day.
      • Another thing I like to track is what and when I am reading, baking, sewing, or any other activity. It could even be something new to try.
    • Sleep – I have to say. The older I get, the more sleep has become precious to me. There are a lot of benefits to having a good sleeping habits. Now, I know from personal experience it is not always possible, to get a good night’s sleep. Take my advice and start young, so you will have instilled a great sleeping schedule. When you get older, your health will appreciate you for it.
  • Activity – Exercise does not have to be a rugged workout. I had a conversation with a woman in her 90s, who was walking around Walmart. She said, “The key is to keep moving.” Well, I am taking her advice. I want to get around as well as she does at her age.
  • Blank planner – I use this to plan assignments for my granddaughter’s homeschooling and projects that I decide she needs to work on to better her education.

Don’t miss out on a 1,500 printable page all-in-one planner for 2023, which is on sale right now and since you rest until the end use the Promotional Code: Karen to get a 10% discount.

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