My YouTube Channel Is Officially Here—Chat with Karen

Welcome, it has been a while, I know since my last blog. It is really sad I got down with everything going on so far this year. What happen you asked? As you might have read after getting COVID in December with a high fever. Well, in March my hair majorly fell out. Yep, just like in the witch’s movie where they cursed the girl for making fun of them, and her hair came out in a vast pile in her hands. I really thought I was going to have to buy me some wigs, but the good news is I found out it was call hair shedding. So, I got with my beautician; she gave me a kit that contained a shampoo, conditioner and mouse called Nioxin. Now, after a few months of using these products, my hair is growing back. It is still thin, but at least I have hair. Though I hope my hair thickens up before this winter, otherwise I will have to invest in some scarfs, so my neck doesn’t turn into a popsicle. Let’s face it, as thick as my hair was, it was like having my own personal blanket.

Then my husband, Cliff got hurt at work, he fell hurt his elbow, so we had to deal with Workman’s Comp. Ok, they weren’t too bad until it came time to pay the doctor’s bill. For some odd reason, they denied his calm, but eventually he got that resolved. I was just grateful Cliff didn’t have to have surgery. The injection he received helped the swelling go down on his elbow. He was miserable until it did, for it hurt every time he tried to get comfortable.

Cliff went back to work. We got caught up, and the mill caught fire on June 18th. They have been doing cleanup for weeks now and are looking to fire up the mill next week, even with the roof not being fully repaired. You got it they covered with plastic. Cliff believes as soon as the owner finds out, he will shut down the mill down again until everything gets repaired. Plus, the sprinkler system being put in place.

Ok from here on you have a choice to either watch the video below or continue to read on:

Reading my inspirational quotes in my planner daily, I pulled myself out of the low I was in. I highly recommend having inspirational quotes around for the rough times. The ones I have I got from Erin Condren, to include my planner, which I love. I place the quotes throughout my planner to remind me to keep things going no matter what life throughs at me. Now, not that life won’t still get you down, but it gives you some positivity in your life to remind you of the good times.

After watching all my favorite YouTube channels. I got inspired three years later, so I guess now is the time for an idea popped into my head for my YouTube channel, which will be about a variety of things. Mainly, a lifestyle vlog to include RV living, my progress of growing vegetables in planters, share some of my life experiences, places we visit, the ins and outs of working at home, benefits of homeschooling, and everyday life. Rosalee is happy as ever that she will have time to be in some videos. She is my little actress. I know Spunky will make an appearance now and then, for he loves to make himself known. You know my hubby will be there from time to time as well.

Please come join me, don’t miss any of the upcoming videos by subscribing. If you like the video, then hit the thumbs up and share. If you don’t like the video, please hit the thumbs down and leave a constructive criticism in the comments, so I can learn where I need to improve. However, if you are out to bash my channel for the sake that you have nothing better to do, please just mosey along. I would greatly appreciate everyone being respectful with their comments. It will take some time to get the number of my videos up, so please be patient with me as I embark on this adventure.

Thank you for all your support here and if you join me on my YouTube channel, please be blessed as we move forward with the global food crisis, the rising of prices all the way across the board. Remember to protect the ones you love, don’t allow the hardship to neglect your neighbors. The United States is based on coming together in hard times. We definitely have hard times coming in the future.

If you have reached the end of this blog, thank you for staying this long.

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